The Migration of Resistance and Solidarity: 'Abd Al-Qādir Al-JazāʼIrī’s Promotion of Hijra


  • July Blalack SOAS, University of London Author



Maghrib, Sufism, fatwas, colonialism, nineteenth century


This paper examines how Algerian resistance figure al-Amir ʻAbd al-Qādir (1808–1883) promoted migration by tying it to proper Islamic practice and to Muslim solidarity. The analysis illustrates how al-Amir ʻAbd al-Qādir mapped out his world and understood the fight he was leading beyond anachronistic nationalist narratives. This is achieved by reading his legal ruling alongside primary sources from the same period. The amir is shown to be both a political strategist who used Islamic concepts to mobilize the population in his vicinity and a thinker whose rhetoric gave meaning to migration.

Author Biography

  • July Blalack, SOAS, University of London

    July Blalack is a PhD candidate at SOAS, University of London. Blalack has a book chapter out in The Oxford Handbook of Arab Novelistic Traditions (2017) and an article forthcoming in The Journal of the African Literature Association. Currently she is editing a special issue of Comparative Critical Studies on postcolonial speculative fiction. You can contact her at or on Twitter @julyblalack. 



2020-07-02 — Updated on 2020-07-02