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Author Guidelines

For articles, research notes, conference reports, book review essays, and other formats, Mashriq & Mahjar accepts submissions from scholars who are teaching and/or practicing in the field, including graduate students with or without institutional affiliation. Mashriq & Mahjar solicits book reviews from individuals who have obtained their doctoral degrees.

Detailed Submission Guidelines for Articles

  • Authors must be registered with the journal to make a submission.
  • Articles should be submitted online, using Microsoft Word. Authors seeking to submit manuscripts should submit through the "Make a Submission" button, and direct inquiries to
  • Article submissions may be in English, French, Spanish, or Arabic
  • Editorial policy requires that articles be based on original research and the careful analysis of archival and other primary materials. Manuscripts sent to the journal are considered on the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere in any language and are not for consideration elsewhere. Exceptions may occasionally be made in the case of contributions originally published in languages other than English, and which the editorial board agrees may benefit from translation and re-dissemination. The author will be responsible for providing a high-quality translation in English.
  • Submitted articles must adhere to Mashriq & Mahjar's Journal Practices and Ethics.
  • Submitted articles should be between 7,000–10,000 words, or not in excess of 35 double-spaced pages in 12-point font (including text, notes, and figures), and should follow the journal's editorial guidelines
  • All submissions must include a title of no more than 20 words, 4–6 key words, and a 200-word (maximum) abstract at the start of the article. Click here for detailed Abstract and Title Guidelines.
  • The editorial board welcomes the use of illustrations, maps, graphs, and tables where these complement the main body of the article. Authors remain responsible for securing necessary permissions. 
  • The journal will send authors an official confirmation email or notification that the submission does not conform to editorial guidelines within four weeks of receipt. If you do not hear from us within four weeks, please inquire. Submitted manuscripts that conform to editorial guidelines are then evaluated by the editors within four weeks of receipt. Those that show the greatest promise of being published in the journal are then submitted to two anonymous reviewers. The first round of peer review is typically completed within three months of the date of submission. In most cases, even articles recommended for publication are subject to a revision process, a second round of peer review, and several rounds of editing after acceptance. We aim to publish articles within twelve months of the original date of submission. Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact information.
  • The journal does not guarantee publication of any submitted manuscript.

Detailed Submission Guidelines for Book Reviews & Book Review Essays

  • We do not accept reviews from graduate students or accept unsolicited reviews
  • If you are interested in reviewing a particular work or collection of works, please contact the Managing Editor at to assess whether the selection(s) is appropriate for the journal.
  • We welcome ideas and recommendations for both single-title reviews and essays that discuss 3–5 related books. 

Detailed Submission Guidelines for Research Notes

  • Research notes are shorter pieces of 1,000–2,000 words that showcase new, cutting-edge work being done in the broader field of MENA migration studies.
  • The format of these pieces are narrative and describe anything from primary research questions, field studies, and methodologies to problems encountered, archival collections, or tools used. You have some freedom in the structure and flow of the piece.
  • We publish bilingual Research Notes provided that both an English and a translated version are submitted. We accept Research Notes where the second language is French, Spanish, or Arabic.
  • Research Notes are a great way for all scholars, including graduate students, to gain exposure and explore new avenues of scholarship.

 Detailed Submission Guidelines for Conference Reports

  • Conference reports are essays of 2,000–5,000 words that provide accounts of recent conferences, panels, or workshops whose themes are related to the broader field of MENA migration studies.
  • They are not intended as critical assessments or reviews, but rather as a means of recording important events and gatherings that our journal’s readers may not have had the opportunity to attend.
  • Before writing a report, please ensure that you have secured the consent of the conference organizers.

Prospective authors interested in submitting content to Mashriq & Mahjar who have additional questions regarding their ideas or submissions are asked to contact the Managing Editor at

There are no article processing charges (APCs) or article submission charges required for submission and publication with Mashriq & Mahjar.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • Contributors permit Mashriq & Mahjar to publish accepted submissions. Published material will appear on the Mashriq & Mahjar website as well as anywhere the journal is indexed.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
  • The first page of the submission includes the author's full name, institutional affiliation and position (if any), telephone number, and current email address.
  • When submitting an article, the first page includes an abstract of no more than 200 words that is clearly separate from the article text. In addition, the first page should include tags for your article of 4–6 words that best describe your article.
  • The text uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Copyright and permissions: Contributors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any material, including images, in which they do not hold the copyright and for ensuring that the appropriate acknowledgments are included in the typescript. In obtaining permissions, authors must seek permission to reproduce material not within the author’s copyright for dissemination worldwide in all forms and media, including electronic publication. The relevant authorization should be attached to the author’s copyright forms on their return.

  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • An anonymous copy of the submission is also available upon request, avoiding any reference to the author in the main body, headers and footers, and endnotes (selected citations of the author’s previous published work may be included only if the absence of such citations would seem conspicuous).
  • The text adheres to Mashriq & Mahjar's Practices and Ethics.


If you are interested in submitting a proposal for a special issue or special section within an issue, please submit a written proposal outlining the proposed topic, its significance, and relevance to Mashriq & Mahjar's scope. 

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.