External CFP: Open Panel for Urban History of Mobility in the MENA Region: Migrations, Ecologies, Spaces, Temporalities
OPEN PANEL: Urban History of Mobility in the MENA Region: Migrations, Ecologies, Spaces, Temporalities (XIX-XXI)
Gabriele Montalbano and Lucia Carminati have organized this open panel for the Conference of the Italian Society for the Study of the Middle East (SeSaMO), titled "Crossings and contaminations. Practices, languages and politics in transit in the Middle East and North Africa," to be held at the University of Cagliari, October 3–5, 2024.
The panel description can be found here: https://www.sesamoitalia.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/8.-Carminati-Montalbano-_-Open-Panel.pdf
Consider joining & spreading the word! Submission is open until May 7, 2024.
Reach out to Gabriele Montalbano at gabriele.montalbano2@unibo.it and lucia.carminati@iakh.uio.no if interested.