CFP for University of Oxford’s Migration and Mobility Network and Nuffield College's "Measuring Migration" Conference


Mashriq & Mahjar is pleased to share the following Call for Papers for the "Measuring Migration" conference.

The University of Oxford’s Migration and Mobility Network and Nuffield College invite academics, researchers, policy experts, activists, artists, practitioners, and other stakeholders to present original research during the conference “Measuring Migration” which will take place in person and online (hybrid model) on June 9–10, 2022 at Nuffield College (University of Oxford).

This conference seeks to explore the idea of “measuring” migration, to the extent that is possible, using a variety of methods from interdisciplinary perspectives. The conference aims to explore the ethics and implications of what it means to track migratory flows, and discuss when this might be appropriate and why these data are helpful/harmful.

Submissions are due by Feb. 15, 2022. Detailed information can be found on the MigrationOxford's event page.