Seeking Book Reviewers!
Mashriq & Mahjar is currently looking for book reviewers for upcoming issues. We have a number of books ready-to-go in the office on migration history, diaspora studies, and Arab identity. We're also open to suggestions from potential reviewers for new titles.
Is there a new title in your field of research you're wanting to read? Was it published in the last three years? Does it relate to migration studies, diaspora, and the Middle East and North African region? Contact the managing editor to find out if the book you want to review is appropriate for Mashriq & Mahjar and whether we can order it for you! Email the managing editor at
We're looking for single-title reviewers as well as those interested in writing a review essay that discusses three to four related works collectively.
Book reviews must conform to our guidelines and all potential reviewers must have already completed their doctoral degree.